Victoria Barracks

The Victoria Barracks – renovating a semi-derelict building to accommodate the expansion of an existing sailing academy, creating 837sqm of usable training spaces, ancillary residential (dormitory) accommodation and a new pontoon. This will support the expansion of the UKSA’s charitable activities raising aspirations and connecting disadvantaged young people with opportunities in the marine and maritime sectors.

The UK Sailing Academy are a well-supported charitable skills and training institution. Whilst consultation has not yet taken place in respect of the proposed change of use, full consultation will be undertaken in due course. Feedback from local stakeholders has been positive and the Isle of Wight Planning Team are comfortable with the proposed use.

The Barracks is semi-derelict and planning permission has already been previously secured as part of a wider masterplanned development to convert the building to hotel use (ref. P/00941/16) so the principle of its change of use has been established following extensive public consultation. The proposed use of the Barracks by the UKSA represents a more beneficial use in terms of community, skills and employment benefits and outcomes.

Refurbishment of currently vacant building

Creation of 656 sqm sailing academy

Installation of a new pontoon

Impacts (evaluation)

Economic growth across Isle of Wight contributing to levelling-up

Growth in key high-value economic sectors in the Solent LEP region improving productivity in the local, regional and national economies

Provision of high value jobs for people in the local area bringing associated impacts for improved well-being

Better access to recreational sailing to Isle of Wight residents

Increase in number of businesses and business rates revenues

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